

Este sitio ha cumplido su cometido. Habiendo descrito el descenso de Venezuela, de democracia incipiente e imperfecta a una cleptocracia militarista, regida por un megal?mano delirante, el intento de informar se ha tornado en tarea de reiteraci?n, en repetici?n, tediosa, aburrida, intelectualmente vacua. Los pueblos tienen los gobiernos que se merecen. El dicho cobra vida en Venezuela, y se torna en premisa definidora del pasado, presente y futuro.

This site will no longer publish anything related to Venezuela or Hugo Chavez, for I have already written/exposed everything that I felt needed be written/exposed. Vcrisis is a reiteration, rather than an exceptional circumstance, as I once thought. V has always been in crisis, of the moral type, and as long as it continues to be governed by amoral types, it will always be.

Alek Boyd
